Our Founder, Nichiren Shōnin, developed a practice that centers on the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and makes it possible for people to connect with its teachings and get on a path to revealing their true Buddha nature.
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
Chanting this phrase, these simple seven syllables known as the Odaimoku, is a key to unlocking the power of the Lotus Sutra in our daily lives. It is impractical for most people to recite the entire Lotus Sutra every day, but these seven syllables embody the complete teachings of the Lotus Sutra and directly connect us with the spirit and boundless compassion of the Eternal Buddha.
As one’s understanding of the teachings grows, that increased learning empowers our chanting of the Odaimoku. As one’s practice continues to develop and becomes richer over time, it lead us to a fuller understanding of life, and to the Wisdom of the Buddha.
Opening the Path to Buddhahood for All
The Buddha and Nichiren Shōnin vowed to lead all beings to enlightenment. From its very beginning, Nichiren Shū has been propagating the word of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Dharma to all the people in the entire world. That mission continues to this day and into the future.
This information comes from the Nichiren Shū webpage in Japan.
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